It’s time to shake out your piggy bank and get ready to register for the next 3M3D. Look out for our BLITZ registrations – it’s only valid for a week, but it’s the best race fees available.
Virtual 3M3D for 2020
Good luck to all our entrants in our 2020 Virtual Tailwind Nutrition 3 Marathons in 3 Days events. We have 19 competitors doing the 3M3D Grand Slam and another 17 tackling the Cairns Marathon. If you are keen to participate in the 9th 3M3D, you can do so until the end of this year. Register here:
3M3D in 2020 goes virtual
Why is 3M3D 2020 cancelled?
Dynamic Running takes the health and wellbeing of our members and the wider community very seriously. In this heightened phase of COVID-19 (more commonly known as Coronavirus), we feel it’s appropriate to take steps to ensure we protect this wherever we can. To date we have only cancelled one event – the 3 Marathons in 3 Days – as it affects many interstate and overseas competitors and it requires a considerable volunteer base. We have postponed other events, but as we cannot predict at this stage how the situation with COVID-19 is going to unfold, we have not set dates for the races as of yet. Dynamic Running hasn’t taken these decision lightly and we share the disappointment that we know will be felt by everyone involved.
Will events be postponed to a later date?
Depends on the event. We plan to have the Dynamic in a Dress (originally set for 19 April 2020) later in the year (date yet to be decided). The 3M3D (10-12 July 2020) has been cancelled. No decision has been made about holding the 3M3D later this year, although we may extend our K2PD (at this stage still to take place on 30 August 2020) to attract some competitors from the 3M3D into that event.
What or who is a Virtual Dynamic Runner?
A ‘Virtual Dynamic Runner’ is a competitor who opts to complete their nominated event on their own, anywhere in the world, anytime on or before the event date – these dates are not available yet. The race fee is the same, but you get your medal sent out to you in the mail. Merchandise items may be available, if not, you will receive a full refunded on those. The best part of this is that all your hard training doesn’t go to waste AND you get a medal for your efforts. The medal is sent out in the mail after the race date. You can read more about our Virtual Dynamic Runner option.
Can I still get my merchandise?
At this stage we plan to hand out merchandise only to those who opt to participate in the Dynamic in a Dress later in 2020 (date yet to be decided).
There will be no merchandise for the 3M3D this year. Competitors who want to defer to 2021 (this is not recommended), will receive their merchandise at that time.
When do registrations for your events open again?
Entries into all Dynamic Running events to be held over the six months (March to August) are on hold. We anticipate opening entries again on 31 May 2020. We recommend you plan and train as though events will occur again after 31 May 2020, but you need to be prepared for the eventuality that they may not. Concentrate on the things within your control and let everything else just take care of itself. Delay purchasing expensive flights or paying for accommodation until as close to event dates as possible.
Will my entry fee be refunded?
In short: YES. Yet, competitors have numerous options. You can:
- Request a full refund (except for donations)
- Switch to do your event(s) as a ‘Virtual Dynamic Runner’ (no refund),
- If the event is postponed, you can come along later in 2020 to run the race (no refund),
- If the event is cancelled you can defer to next year’s 2021 event. This is NOT recommended, we would prefer you take the full refund and register again next year. Note that if you choose to defer and then cancel at a later date, our normal cancellation policy will be implemented and a 10% cancellation fee will be applied. We highly recommend you either do option 1 or 2, rather than defer. You can just enter and pay again next year.
When will I receive my refund?
Dynamic Running is not doing the refunds as we do not have the money. Register Now, the registration platform we are using, still has ALL the money that has been collected for ALL our events (bar Dynamic Running membership fees). As of 19 March 2020 we are waiting to hear back from Register Now with regards to timelines in which they will do the refunds. You will receive a confirmation email from Register Now when the refund is processed letting you know that this has been completed. If you do not get a response from them in a timely manner (keeping in mind they have 100’s of events to deal with), please contact them on . This section of the webpage will be updated as soon as we have more details.
Where will my refund be sent?
Your refund will be processed back to the original payment method you used to pay for your registration.
My card has expired or has been cancelled – what should I do?
Register Now will attempt to process the refund onto the original card as a first step. If the card has expired and you have been issued with a new card it may still be accepted and redirected by your bank. If it is not accepted they will contact you directly with instructions on how to proceed.
Can I get my refund sent somewhere else?
Unlikely. This is for Register Now to negotiate with you as Dynamic Running is not involved in the refunds and we don’t have any money to pay out refunds. Please contact them on .
Can I defer my entry to next year?
It depends on the event. At this stage the only event you can defer to 2021 is the 3 Marathons in 3 Days as it is the only event that has been cancelled. We would rather just give everyone their money back and start over next year. If you are desperate to defer to next year, please send us a message on . Note that if you choose to defer and then cancel at a later date, our normal cancellation policy will be implemented and a 10% cancellation fee will be applied. We highly recommend you either cancel (full refund) or switch to do the race as a ‘Virtual Dynamic Runner’ (no refund). You can just enter and pay again next year.
I registered multiple people, will I receive a refund for each registration?
In short: YES. Yet, competitors have numerous options. You can:
- Request a full refund (except for donations),
- Switch to do your event(s) as a ‘Virtual Dynamic Runner’ (no refund),
- If the event is postponed, you can come along later in the year to run the race (no refund),
- If the event is cancelled you can defer to next year’s event. This is NOT recommended, we would prefer you take the full refund and register again next year. Note that if you choose to defer and then cancel at a later date, our normal cancellation policy will be implemented and a 10% cancellation fee will be applied. We highly recommend you either do option 1 or 2, rather than defer. You can just enter and pay again next year.
I have purchased ‘optional items’ such as singlets, t-shirts, 3M3D buffet dinner, etc. , will this be refunded?
Yes, all optional items will be refunded. This does NOT include donations (see below). This will take place at the same time as race fees are refunded.
Dynamic Running is not doing the refunds as we do not have the money. Register Now, the registration platform we are using, still has ALL the money that has been collected for ALL our events (bar Dynamic Running membership fees).As of 19 March 2020 we are waiting to hear back from Register Now with regards to timelines in which they will do the refunds. You will receive a confirmation email from Register Now when the refund is processed letting you know that this has been completed. If you do not get a response from them in a timely manner (keeping in mind they have 100s of events to deal with at the moment), please contact them on . This section of the webpage will be updated as soon as we have more details.
Can I donate my entry fee to a charity/organisation?
Yes, that would be a very kind gesture. To donate your entry fee to a charity or organisation please email us to action this. You do not get to select which charity/organisation the money goes to as Dynamic Running selects one charity/organisation for the Dynamic in a Dress and one for the 3M3D. If you have your own charity you would like to donate to, please request the full refund and do it yourself. You can also donate your entry fee to Dynamic Running to help us out, but we would recommend you rather take up the ‘Virtual Dynamic Runner’ option, as that way you get a medal too.
What about donations?
All donations made prior to and including 16 March 2020 will be passed on to the nominated charity/organisation. If you have any questions pertaining to donations, please contact us on .
Can I still make a donation?
Not at this
stage. All our events have been locked and the only way to make a donation is during
your online registration.
Have all Dynamic Running races/events, training, clinics and educational activities been cancelled?
No, as of 18 March 2020, we have only cancelled our long runs, trail training runs, Squad workshop and the 3 Marathons in 3 Days (10-12 July 2020). Our April and May events have been postponed. Dynamic Running takes the health and wellbeing of our members and the wider community very seriously. In this heightened phase of COVID-19 (more commonly known as Coronavirus), we feel it’s appropriate to take steps to ensure we protect this wherever we can.
I paid my 2020 membership fees to Dynamic Running, will I receive a refund?
The Dynamic Running board only discussed this briefly at their board meeting on 18 March 2020, and at this stage there are no changes to memberships. We will deal with these on a one-on-one basis in upcoming board meetings as need be. Please email us on if you need to discuss this.
Will Dynamic Running be back later this year?
We are not going anywhere. Club training is temporarily postponed in line with official recommendations. Members continue to train individually for upcoming events.
How can I get more information about COVID-19 (Coronavirus)?
Monitor updates regarding COVID-19 from the Department of Health at
Anyone feeling unwell should ring the Coronavirus Health Information Line on the dedicated Covid-19 number: 1800 020 080. The line operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Contact us
Any questions or concerns, you can reach Dynamic Running via email at or phone 0417 798 444
COVID-19 update
It is a very sad day for Dynamic Running to announce that we have cancelled the 3M3D. An email will go out to all competitors to explain why. You will find the most current updates here:
New half marathon for 3M3D weekend
As promised there are going to be some changes for our 2020 3M3D. We are going to change the course for the marathons on the Friday and Saturday, so that means that the Kauri Half Marathon is no more. But in it’s place we are adding in the Fig Tree Half Marathon on the Saturday. More updates will follow once we have had our meeting with Cairns Regional Council in mid-January.
Registrations are OPEN
Registrations are open for all the events at the Tailwind Nutrition 3 Marathons in 3 Days.
Website update
We are in the process of updating the website for the 2020 event. Only the Home and Registration pages are currently up to date. There are some changes coming.
3M3D rego OPEN
2020 Tailwind Nutrition 3 Marathons in 3 Days registration is OPEN. Calling all crazy, trail running enthusiasts.
Your bib number for tomorrow
1 Anthony Ralph
2 David Von Senden
3 Derek Mcdonagh
4 Alena Scurrah
6 Shane D’Alcorn
7 Jeff Herbert
8 Dave Burgis
9 Mariam Meite
10 Sam Heames
11 Andrew Kinbacher
12 Jenni Jefferis
13 Stewart Hicks
14 Morgan Sheehy
15 Ross McLeod
16 David Burgis
17 Donna Baker
18 Marjorie Hendry
19 Luke Noyes
20 Michael Dale
21 Annie Schofield
22 Ken Brown
23 Paul Brenton
24 Chrissy Warman
26 Shane Court
27 Mark Dowel
28 Bernie Norris
29 Joshua Bailey
30 Anja Ahale
31 Robert Centonza
32 Michael Soutter
33 Steve Doughty
34 Lorraine Lawson
35 Pauline Overington
36 Samuel Chamoun
37 Mark Lennox
38 David Elms
39 Stephen Lewis
40 Cheryl Jones
41 Andrew Fedoruk
42 Sharon Waller
43 Nikki Paul
44 Pamela Williams
45 Debra Moll
46 Matthew Neal
47 Dave Kelly
48 Matthew Clapham
49 Cheryle Bland
50 Revi Fayola Sitompul
51 Ben Alderson
52 Preston Lee