Three marathons over three days

  • 3 Marathons in 3 Days (3M3D) (126.6km), 7-9 July 2017. In its sixth year. 42.2km run over three consecutive days. Each marathon stands alone and you can enter 1, 2 or 3 during the registration process. The cost is the same, regardless of how many marathons you choose to enter. After each marathon you receive a medal and age category ribbon (if applicable). If you choose to do all three marathons, you also receive the coveted 3 Marathons in 3 Days medal!

A few things you need to know!



Mandatory gear:

  • Race bib to be worn on your front and visible at all times (supplied by event organiser)
  • 2 x Elastoplast or Handy’s heavy crepe bandages (10cmx2.3m) for Marathons 1 and 2. DON’T turn up with anything else, you will not be allowed to compete without the correct gear. Highly recommended for Marathon 3.
  • 1 x whistle
  • 1 x set of maps and course descriptions in zip lock bag (provided by event organiser)
  • A hydration system with a capacity of at least 600mL – more if you are not used to running in the tropics
  • Nutrition to sustain running for each stage of the event

You can buy an ‘Emergency Pack’ that contains 2 compression bandages and a whistle for $30 when you register.
There is a gear check at registration and at selected checkpoints.

Race Kit: There is no race kit to be collected, only a race bib at registration each morning (note there is a different bib for each day).

Bus transport: This is included in your race fee. The bus leaves and returns from Cairns Colonial Club Resort each day. There are no other bus pick up locations. You need to check the list (sent via email) to ensure you have been allocated a seat on the bus!!!!

Start locations: Marathon 1, 7 July, Coondoo Street in Kuranda, adjacent to the Kuranda Visitor Information Center. Marathons 2 and 3, 8 and 9 July, at Cedar Park Rainforest Resort (turn left 1km past Koah Roadhouse off the Kennedy Highway).

Finish locations: Marathon 1 and 2: Cedar Park Rainforest Resort, Koah; Marathon 3: Goomoboora Park, Redlynch Valley, Cairns.

Registration: 6:00-6.15am each morning.

Mandatory race briefing: This is online and must be viewed by all competitors PRIOR to the event. There will only be a brief mention of safety precautions and race conditions each race day. All competitors are expected to have read and understood the race rules, course, etc. A link to the briefing will be provided closer to race day.

Start of Race: 6:30am each day.


Terrain: Single track, dirt roads, bitumen, shallow creek crossings. Steep ascent and descent sections.

Well and truely getting sorted for the race now! All too exciting!!!

Singlets and Shirts -$5,500,
Busses -$3,400,
Advertisig in Runner’s World – $1,700,
Branded Tailwind Nutrition age category ribbons -$600,
Tailor-made ribbons for medals -$400!
Tailwind Nutrition product for use during the event
6 pairs of Altra shoes
Photocopying of paperwork and maps
Prizes donated:
Dinner at Cairns Colonial Club Resort
Studio Pilates vouchers
Still need to pay a few other bits and pieces like:
Cedar Park venue hire,
Finishers’ medals,
Pasta Party,
Traffic control,
Satellite phone hire,
Port-a-loo hire,
Race bibs,
Advertising on the AURA website,
Room hire fees for volunteer briefing,
Donation to Australian Quoll Conservency and
Petrol/out of pocket expenses for our volunteers!
WOW! Anyone got some spare money laying around and want to sponsor or donate something for our race?

Quick, quick. Cut offs are looming

Cut off for pesonalised plate(s) for your medal(s) and a personalised race bib is 9.00pm, 21 June. So if you want those, the time to register will be NOW!

LATE FEES kick in at 9pm on 22 June (3M3D) and on 29 June (CM, Kauri Half)

Pasta Party – last chance to pay up for this great event is 29 June. Register here:

CUT OFF  is at 9.00pm on 29 June (3M3D) and on 5 July (CM, Kauri Half)

No refunds after 9pm tonight for the 3M3D races

All competitors please note that as per our refund policy registration is not transferable to other people. If the competitor is unable to compete, a request for refund of the registration fee must be submitted to the organiser at least one month prior to race day. A 10% administration fee applies to all refunds.

NO refunds for the 3 Marathons in 3 Days, Cairns Marathon or Kauri Half Marathon after 9.00pm tonight, 7 June 2017

Where is everyone?

Looking for those interested in the Tailwind Nutrition 3 Marathons in 3 Day!!! We also have the Kauri Half Marathon and the Cairns Marathon, so lots of options. Please share the event with your friends and get them to join you.
Here is our current list of competitors. I’m getting a bit worried. Don’t know why registrations are so slow this year. Such a great event, one you really want to get to…
Proposed bib # Name
1 Larry Lawson
2 Lorraine Lawson
3 David Elms (tbc)
4 Jason Ferris
5 Peter Watson
6 Bernie Norris
7 Pamela Williams
8 Mark Dowel
9 Rob Martin
10 Om Beacom-Halliday
11 Phil Copp
12 Simon Thompson
13 Helen McAllister
14 Sharon Waller
15 Nadia Mead
16 Rhonda Zeylmans
17 Chrissy Warman
18 Nikki Paul
19 Andrew Morris
20 Nina Haaland Kristoffersen
21 Philip Stokes
22 Jason Rawlings
23 Pauline Overington
24 Adam Mikic
25 Jayne Bawden
26 Matt Callaghan
27 Mathew Frost
Cairns Marathon
4201 Malcolm Gray
4202 Mel Tuieau
4203 Tegahn Maitland
4204 Timothy Jack
4205 Megan Ponder
4206 Sandra Worle
Kauri Half
2101 Marianne Hutchinson
2102 Loksee Leung
2103 Jodi McGurgan

Will I get lost?

Will I get lost?
A bit of a ramble below, you can just look at the picture, if you prefer. Ha, ha.
For the Tailwind Nutrition 3 Marathons in 3 Days, there is always a change you can get lost. HOWEVER, the course is marked at all intersections. Some sections have no signage, but that is because there is nowhere to go wrong, you just stay on the path you are on!
For those who do get lost, the most common response is that they will be reading the course description and studying the maps provided before they do another trail race.
The problem we have is that the locals think they are doing us a favour by removing the signs and returning it to us. And we go – ‘But the race has not taken place yet!’ To prevent this, we have a notice at each intersection informing other track users of the date of the event. We also delay setting up the course signage until about 4 days prior to the race.
You will receive a map each day, and if you get to an intersection without signage, you will have to get your map out and look where you are, or wait for another competitor to come along. We had a runner go off course on Day 1 a couple of years ago, and lucky for her she got mobile reception (a miracle really!) and phoned us. She could give use her location as she was at an intersection and they are all numbered. It was not on her map, as she was actually on the Day 2 course! SES went out and got her and all worked out okay.
It’s worth your time reading over the descriptions for each day and keeping track of the distances you cover between intersections so you can pin point where you are.
There is no ‘navigation’ required as such, you are told exactly where to go each day. The first day in the Barron Gorge National Park section can be the most confusing as there are signs directing you to Speewah Campground (runners have gone wrong here and took the ’emergency exit option!’), but you have to follow the course – which still takes you to Speewah Campground, but the long (hard!) way. There is a close up map to help the runners with that section.
If you are in Cairns, a good way to get some confidence in the event is to join us for our FREE training trail runs over the course leading up to the event. Details on our website under ‘Trail Running‘.