BLITZ race fees will only last one week!


The Registration Blitz for the Tailwind Nutrition 3M3D will officially open online at on Monday, 14 November 2016 at 7.00am, and last through to 6.59am on 21 November 2016. The time-zone is AEST or GMT+10, Brisbane Time. The first 10 people to register for each race will receive a 30% discount off the entry fee, while all other competitors registering through to the end of the Blitz will receive a 20% discount. If you miss out, you can access the early bird offer until 9.00pm on 3 April 2017.

Current Dynamic Running club members, remember to use the discount code DRmember. Ignore the Blitz as all race fees for club members are cheaper than even the Blitz fees!

blitz-fees race-fees

A few updates…

Thanks to Studio Pilates, FNQ Podiatry & Orthotics, Deep Grey and Cairns Zoom & Wildfire Dome for providing prizes for our competitors.

studio-pilates-logo high res FNQ PODIATRY + ORTHOTICTS LOGOlogoCairns zoom and wildlife dome

Thanks to Cairns Colonial Club Resort that is helping out with transporting runners back to the resort on Sunday after the race. And for those who are booked in for the Pasta Party, you’ll have the chance to win a dinner at the Homestead Restaurant!

Cairns Colonial Club Resort

Remember that we have the pasta party on Thursday and the after party on Sunday. Great social events and we’ll see you there!Pasta Party update2016 3M3D after party

AURA ultra runners

A reminder that AURA members get access to the Early Bird entry fee until 9.00pm, 27 June. Use the discount code AURA when you register. You must provide your AURA membership number on the registration form.

Volunteers needed

Hi All, we need to put together the roster for the 3 Marathons in 3 Days, You can help by completing this form to let us know how and when you can support the event. Competitors and their families can also help out.

All jobs are straight forward and require no training.