Tailwind Nutrition


A big thank you to Gavin Markey from Tailwind Nutrition Australia who has provided us with some spot prizes for this year’s event. There are 2 sample packs (10 of each flavour); 4 large bags and 2 medium bags, making a total of eight prizes.

Not running? Then come and help out!

We over 120 jobs to fill over the three days for the 3 Marathons in 3 Days on 10-12 July 2015, so it will help if you or a family member/friend can donate some time during the three days to help us out.

Kathy Sinclair, our volunteer coordinator has slotted in some people already. If you have not heard from Kathy yet and are keen to support us, please contact her on . Also supply your telephone number.

Are you coming?

So far we have 57 entries and 2 cancellations:
36 Queenslanders – including 21 locals,
7 Victorians,
5 from WA,
3 from the Northern Territory,
2 from the ACT,
1 from NSW,
1 Tasmanian,
1 from the UK,
1 Canadian,
1 from Sweeden,
1 from China

Of those
32 are doing the 3M3D
2 are doing the 1 1/2
18 are doing the Cairns Marathon
4 are doing the Kauri Half Marathon

Are you coming? Register at https://regonline.activeglobal.com/3M3D2015

Entries will be verified over the next couple of weeks and confirmation emails sent (only a formality, no need for you to worry about it!).

Training runs over the 3M3D course

If you are keen for a trail run on Sunday, 5 April (Easter weekend), can you let me know via email so we can organise when and where we will meet. It will run over most of the course for Day 2 of the 3 Marathons in 3 Days, so we may start at the turn into Vivier’s Track on Clohesy River Road.

We have numerous other trail runs over the 3M3D course during the next few months.

Sun, 03 May, Kauris Half Marathon come-and-try run (16+ only, conditions apply)

Sun, 24 May, Inaugural 3-way Race to the Fig Tree (16+ only, conditions apply)

Sun, 21 June, Come-and-try Run: Cairns Marathon (18+ only)

These runs are all FREE, but you must register your interest prior to the run to receive updates on where to meet, etc.

Free Webinars for 1/2 Marathon, Marathon and Ultra runners

I will start a set of webinars next week – each 3rd Monday of the month at 8.00pm. I was going to do them weekly, but I think once a month will be enough for us to get through all the topics the squads will need in preparation for the events in July. Lorraine

Webinar #1, 16 Feb: Training principles; Rest & recovery. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PT7ZZTBTOhY
Webinar #2, 16 March: Time Trials; Energy systems, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gw17V2nv8tM
Webinar #3, 20 April: Pacing & Effort; Long slow distance, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYsSZ8PQfYs
Webinar #4, 18 May: Tempo Running; Race preparation, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYU-UKKWkis
Webinar #5, 15 June:  Support & Mental toughness; Race knowledge; Race day, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HloDFPB7nFg
Webinar #6, 20 July: What’s next? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDsYrEEBTOw


Lorraine Lawson

Xiamen International Marathon, China

On the invitation of the Marketing Department of the Xiamen International Marathon Organising Committee, Lorraine Lawson from Dynamic Running will attend the Xiamen Marathon Expo from 31 December 2014 through to 2 January 2015. She will also be a spectator at the Marathon on 3 January.

The Marketing Department has arranged accommodation, meals and transport during that time and they are helping out and providing Chinese volunteers and a marque for the stall at the expo. With 45 000 competitors it’s bound to be a busy three days and a spectacular event! And competitors at the Xiamen International Marathon will get an opportunity to see what we have on offer in our back yard, including the 3 Marathons in 3 Days and the Kuranda to 64km Port Douglas Ultra Trail Race.

In true Dynamic Running style, we hope to muster a group together to go over in 2016 to compete in the event. So if you are keen, start saving.


Accommodation package for July 2015

Great accommodation package, book early as the resort is not holding any rooms for us! To make a booking, please contact the Reservations Department and quote:
“3 Marathons in 3 Days – July 2015”
Phone: 07 4053 8862 Email:

24-hour 3M3D Registration Blitz on 20-21 November

The 3 Marathons in 3 Days Staged Ultra Trail Race marks its fourth anniversary with reduced entry fees during a 15- hour registration blitz starting on Thursday, 20 November at 7.00am (AEST, Brisbane time) and runs through to 7.00am Friday, 21 November.

Apart from the 3M3D and the Cairns Marathon another two races are being introduced to the weekend in 2015. Do the Kauris Half Marathon on Friday, or sign up for the “1&1/2” which consists of the half marathon on the Friday and the Cairns Marathon on the Sunday.

The first 10 people to register for each race will receive a 30% discount of the regular entry fee. All other entrants registering through to the end of the blitz will receive a 20% discount. But there is a catch! There are no refunds to anyone who takes up this registration blitz offer.


3M3D 1&1/2 Cairns Marathon Barron Gorge ½ Marathon Discount
Regular Fee $ 180.00 $   85.00 $   75.00 $   40.00
Dynamic Running member Fee $ 130.00 $   70.00 $   60.00 $   30.00
1st 10 to register(1-10 for each race) $ 126.00 $   59.50 $   52.50 $   28.00 30%
All other registrants(11+ for each race) $ 144.00* $   68.00 $   60.00 $   32.00* 20%

*Dynamic Running members, you may be wise to hold off until after the Blitz to sign on.

For more information about Dynamic Running go to http://dynamicrunning.com.au/ and for more details on the 3M3D events go to https://3marathonsin3days.com/ or phone 0417 798 444.